Have you ever spotted a color you liked that you wanted to use on your own map, perhaps in symbols or charts? For example, you may find an image Online that has colors you really like. After adding the image as a layer, you can use the Color Picker tool to easily find any color on the page and utilize them wherever you want.
Just Pick and recognize colors which you like instantly by pointing the camera or from image.
Color Picker App is created with User Interface for Designers who deal with color such as Web Designer or Mobile UI Designer to select color is the same way you select in Adobe and Paint Brush.


  • Augmented real-time color measurement.
  • Show hex code.
  • See the Color in full screen
  • Color-to-name advanced detection algorithm.
  • Set your wallpaper background as a solid color.
  • Search Colors
  • Turn flash light in low-light conditions.
  • pick color from image.
  • Copy color to clipboard.
  • Share colors with friends by using any convenient mode of transfer and sharing which are integrated in the app.

This application lets you pick colors from galley image and picture take from camera, add some cool functionality to save Colors in database and let the users set solid color wallpaper.By means of the application you can compare how two Hex Color code look distinct at variant screen.

Work Initiation:

Our business development consultant (BDC) promptly acknowledged the Client’s request for quotation on our website.
We scheduled a handshake call to understand Clients business objectives and goals. Post NDA execution, a full meeting followed where we educated the Client about our unique app development processes and its effectiveness in their app development.
We prepared a list of features for the app as visualized by the customer along with our business analyst (BA) team. We re-confirmed the expectations and designed the wireframes based on the concept feasibility and nailed the functional flow of the app.
We created and shared the official project plan with timelines, commercials and delivery schedules with the Client. He gladly signed the documents for us to start the app development.

Designing Process:

Magnatesage designed sleek and catchy mobile interface to deliver a unique and loving user experience to mobile app users.
Magnatesage shared design questionnaire with the client to collect and understand the requirements.
On the basis of the questionnaire analysis and the view point of the Client, the Logo, which is the main part of the App, was designed by Magnatesage. Along with the Logo, our designers started working to create mock-up of mobile screens and presented the mock-up to the client in 2 business days.
After receiving approval from the client for mock-up, designers started to create mobile screen designs as per the color scheme of client’s logo.
Design Deliverables:
– App Logo
– App Designs
– Mockups with Invision

Challenges Faced:

There was one main challenge which was faced by the team for creation of this App, i.e., Getting the Color Code for the Image captured with Photo in real-time.
There was also another challenge which was faced by the team that is speed up the process and reduce the delay in getting the results and smoothly following the flow of App.
We were facing the problem in the below mentioned process:

  • Selecting an object.
  • Moving cursor to top right corner
  • Grabbing a color picker
  • Choosing a color
  • Moving cursor to top right corner again
  • and then finally selecting it.


For this problem we created the SDK for decrypting the encrypted image and getting real colors for picking.
The colors which we decoded were in HEX format which can be easily used for the designers and developers.
All this takes far too much time for such simple operation, so I gave it a lot of thought, and came up with something that I believe will work great.

First of all, what’s needed is a one button shortcut for the Color Picker tool like the “i” in Illustrator, and then we can use the loupe from Designer to create even better experience and this is how it could look like:

– select Color Picker tool via one button shortcut, then
– pick a color from any object by just clicking on it
– OR – HOLD on any object for 2 seconds to change the cursor to LOUPE for more precise color selection!
– boom!

And now the most obvious thing – if you don’t have any object selected, this action will just choose a color which will be selected when new object is created, but when you DO have an object selected, this action will APPLY the color you’ve just chosen to the already selected object.


Much fewer moves and clicks, less distracting and keeps you focused on what you’re currently working on, intuitive and when gives more control by using loupe for precise color selection without any additional clicks or moves.

Development Process:

– During the development, we worked out on client’s requirements profoundly and offered a feature-rich app with advanced functionalities. The app replaced client’s existing manual process by allowing them to manage fuel data and activities into mobile app.
– The app development allowed managers to track and maintain daily stock and sale of fuel. However, it was manual data entry in mobile app. After the app delivery, client interacted with Magnatesage on the regular basis for further features and functionalities optimization.
– Automation of entire workflow was in future project enhancement scopes after analyzing feasibility of possible development.
– Client was very happy as we delivered exactly the same product, they anticipated. The app has improved productivity of the managers and increased accuracy in the data entry and management.
– After the successful completion of this project, client consulted Magnatesage again for further enhancement in the existing app to incorporate automation while making it more dynamic and usable. We have started the Research & Development process on the requirements of next project.

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