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“The Enthusiast App” is an amazing and data gathering app for RIDES, which could be a car, bike or a truck. You might be interested in getting the details about what kind of data is gathered. Lets take a quick overview about enthusiast app.
“Firstly, you need to register for getting complete access to the app by simply logging in with your Facebook and Gmail account or you can do a manual registration if in case you don’t have Facebook or Gmail account”. Like all other app we also create a profile of yours when you sign up.
Thing you need to know about “MY GARAGE”: Being a user you would be provided a garage section where you can add your own garage (i.e. your car) known in the app as “My Garage”. In this garage you can describe your car (Model, Year of Manufacturing, Manufacturer, Trim Section and Type of vehicle), also whatever modification you do in the car or if you add new parts in the car you can mention everything in your garage section.
Now the changes you did in the garage would be reflected to all the users who are following you and they would get an update about what custom things to be executed to make their car look better.
Things you need to know about “VIEW RIDES”: View Rides section is all about viewing latest rides added by any user or simply viewing some ride based on your requirement like if I want to take a look at BMW model I can simply search BMW based on filtration and get all details about BMW. View rides is a prototype of My Garages which is a simple view or any ride where you can look at the album of that ride or you can follow this ride. You can check out who posted that ride as a garage/ follow the individual or rate the ride.
Things you need to know about “PITZONE”: Pit zone the name itself sounds amazing; this takes you to the posts of any individual user whom you are following, post of the Car club you are into and the details about any post made for the car.
Things you need to know about “MEETS & EVENTS”: Section where you definitely would be interested in. It allows me as a user to post an event whether it’s a car meet event or people gather together who are crazy about car. If you aren’t among the one who post it then you can be a part of this section and locate the event near you. Its simple to access the section, also if you want to be an attendee of the event we would provide a direction route to reach the event ;).
Things you need to know about “PARTS AND CUSTOM SHOPS”: I guess its pretty simple section to understand where you would get all the details about the parts posted by manufacturer or retailer. You would get in detail about the parts in garage; also you can save your search, which would be accessible from the garage section for future use.
Things you need to know about “SEARCH SPECS” You can go through the specification mentioned by the car details provider. Also this is the place where you can get the details of any changes done by your following person which is known in our term as “DIY (Do It by Yourself”. You can upload your own instruction set for changes made to your guide and vice versa you can also view the changes posted by your following.
“The Enthusiast App” is an amazing and data gathering app for RIDES, which could be a car, bike or a truck.”

Work initialition
We started the work by creating the initial wireframe of the app some of the screens are shown as in below Diagram 1.0. The whole app was design understanding the clients requirement and working on every details explained in the specification document.
Along with creating the wireframe the development of creating a secure and normalized database was taken into consideration. Database team started their work keeping MYSQL as their backend support as per the client requirement. Some statistics for creating the database and design is as under:
Design Wireframe Design Duration: 7 Days (8 hours a day with 2 individuals kept on board for this task). With a continuous interaction with client for every flow and making the client involve in his ideas, which we were executing.
Database Design Duration: 12 Days (8 hours a day with a experienced DBA kept on board for this task.)
Creating Actual Design in PSD format: 8 Days (8 hours a day with a experienced designer kept on board for this task).
Let me take you to the tour of finalized design of the app selected by client where client was actual in lead for creating designs and we were like a follower to the idea.

Splash screen:
The screen to prompt the app brand. A clean where the app name is given importance.

Login and Sign up module
Login screen :
Here user can login to their account by entering the username. Also there are three options provided to allow the user to sign up into the app namely Facebook, Google Plus and Manual registration which gives full access of app once registered. For manual registration a verification link is send to the registered email address.
Difficulty Task:
Animating the pointer on meter.

Home Key Screen:
Once user is logged in this is the screen where user would be redirected. The option to start the app, which defines to features of application in next session of screens. Below two option is to navigate the user to his/ her profile screen or visit the garages created by them. On the top a logout button is provided which takes the user out of the app closing all the sessions in the application.
Difficulty Task:
Animating the pointer on meter.
Profile and Garage Module
Menu Screen: Shows multiple options to navigate in the project. As you can see view rides, pit zone, meets and events, parts and custom shops, search specs, my profile, my garage and would take you to Home key screen if you press stop button at the bottom center.
Difficulty Task : Managing responsiveness for all devices and Animating the pointer on meter
Profile Screen: You can view your own profile and edit the profile as per your need also you can add your own car club or follow someone’s added car club. You can view your statistics and can check the sponsors you have.
Difficulty Task : Managing responsiveness for all devices and swipe functionality for three tabs.
Garage Screen: You can view your added garage and also add a new garage down below the scroll you would find a plus button to add a new garage.
Difficulty Task : Adding new garage separately

View Ride Module

View ride and search Screen:
This screen will show you the recent garages (i.e. user rides) added by users. Also you can search a new ride based on the type of filtration services provided.
Difficulty Task : Managing search criteria for picking and displaying data based on the previously selected data.
View Ride List Screen:
This would show all the recent garages added by the user in a list form when the View Ride Search Screen “View Recent Garage” button is pressed.
Ride Profile Screen:
You can view the details about the ride, either viewing albums, profile, any modification made to the car, rate the garage or if you like the garage you can follow the ride to get the latest updates on this garage model.
Difficulty Task : Managing my rides and other user rides seperately
Pitzone Module

Pit zone wall Screen:
You can see your own pit-wall which shows the post of yours. And you can see other people posts in pit-stall.
Difficulty Task : Maintaining zoom functionality and managing swipe functionality and like/ share for any parts in pit-stall column
Pit lane & Pit crew list Screen:
Displays a list of user’s garages and shows a list of people pit-wall instead of a single post you can view the whole post list of that user which would only be your following.
Difficulty Task : Maintaining zoom functionality, maintaining pit-lane and pit-crew separately and redirecting to desired wall and profile.
User Pit-wall Screen:
While clicking on pit-zone “view my pitwall” button you would be redirect to this screen where all your post would be displayed similarly for other users pit wall from pit crew would also take you to this screen but here pit wall would be for that particular user.
Difficulty Task : Managing user wall and its posts.
Meets and Event Module

Add Event wall Screen:
You can add an event, which could be a car meet, other event or a sanctioned race event. Enter the location, date and time. This event would be shown to those who are looking for an event nearby their location.
Map Event Screen:
Displaying all the events located around me but this filtration is done from the Locate an event screen, which would be shown when you press the “locate an event” button.
Difficulty Task : Managing annotations pins separately for different event.
Event Description Screen:
This is the screen to display the detail of the event once you click on the pin annotation of the map view. Also if you aren’t aware about the place or you are new to the place press the get direction button, it would show a route to you on map to the destination event from your current location.
Parts & Shops Module

DIY Library Module

Admin Panel
Login Screen :

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