Tooth Fairy Timer

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What is tooth fairy Timer?

Tooth Fairy Timer is an alert application designed and developed by Magnates Solutions. It’s a small but quite interesting application mainly focusing kid’s, they just need to press the start button and the timer countdown starts. A two minute timer will make the kids more active about how long should they brush. Once a timer stops there is a alarm tone which starts ringing and snooze for 30 seconds.

In the newest version the app was extending its UI Design where instead of single tooth fairy screen, user would have 3 other new tooth fairy so that kids gets use to select the fairy they wish and start brushing their teeth’s.

Lets get in detail about how we approached this concept and how well we handled it.

Work Initialization

We started creating characters of tooth fairy going through many references and finally came up with an idea of creating four different characters shown below. There are mainly two characters and other two are only the skin change.

How was the UI Created

We normally had a reference for the countdown as similar to that of IOS default countdown timer. Not giving enough option for user and make it very simpler so any kid could access the app without any help from their parents. Firstly, three buttons were created and post we had a screen created adjusting button and fairy character fit into it as below.

Development Stage

Once the initial design was ready we had our development team prepared for its development. The design was implemented and the timer functionality was also implemented using the default framework. The app was firstly developed in IOS and once the app was approved by the client we moved forward for its further development in android as well.

It seems very simple app same do the developer felt where it was created within two days of time. But post in the agile methodology our application testing team found many glitches which was a quite difficult job to handle. There was some bugs found in the application even though it was a small app. The major bug was with the timer itself. The developer had utilized the default NSTimer class which provides the timer functionality but the timer execution in this class was a bit slower then the normal time which was detected when we kept on moving the app in background and foreground also comparing it with the apple default timer app

Then the other problem was that the music should be played even when the app is in the background or the phone is locked.

Our team solved it by coming up with a solution of considering and playing with the time itself instead of any timer. They made it very accurate by starting and noting the time when user press start button and then getting the difference every 1/10th second of the time. This way we found it exactly working like the apple default app timer.

The other problem on hand was the background music play first we forced app not to lock the phone until the app is in foreground mode. And making the music play in background the application has a file which is the main access to application where we had to register and request the OS to play music while the app is in background which worked like a charm to.

Extending it to more screen

Initially the app was not so much fun for the kids they had only few options so in the newest version we extended the characters and made it look more pretty and giving an authority to children selecting a character with whom they relate.

There are four tykes/ fairies to be picked and whichever you pick it would take the user to the relevant layout

Tooth Fairy Timer

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